when i went to clean the sludge at a house near the sea, the house owner told us why some neighbors failed to escape the tsunami. he said there was tsunami warning alarm for many times when it occurred. but tsunami alarming system was down in some area because of the failure of electric power supply. so many people around there failed to notice the alarming....
after i heard that story i thought traditional fire bell was better... but i read newspaper article, the story of one fireman, mr. fujio koshita, who risked his life to save the residents... he'd rung the bell until the bell tower was crushed by the big wave. and he is still missing until now.
it was true that he saved a lot of people, but i felt so sad to hear it... but i felt better after reading another newspaper article, a comment of high school student "the fireman was brave. i proud of him". his spirits is still alive in the next generation.